Wednesday, September 14, 2005

So this might come off as completely pointless, but I have bangs now. I haven't had bangs since I grew them out along with my permed hair in 7th grade. I like them, it was time for a change. But my parents didn't even notice... maybe it wasn't that big of a change?

On a completely different note, I was talking to a friend of mine about guilty pleasures. It's led me to wanting to know everyone's guilty pleasures... so if you want to tell me yours, I might reveal mine to you. It'll be fun; it's kind of a cathartic experience. However, I feel it necessary to point out that I'm talking about music, I don't really want to know if whips and chains turn you on.

Haha, until I point out that I'm talking about music, that last paragraph sounds kind of dirty.

1 comment:

juli said...

I wanna see! :) Picture??